Endorsement from renowned Rebbetzin Tziporah (Heller) Gottleib!
"Sarah Rosenbaum is one of the most gifted women I know. In the decade that we have known each other, I have always found her to use her talents in accordance with daas Torah in ways that provide the participants with both inspiration, self-expression, and fun."
~Rebbetzin Tziporah (Heller) Gottleib, acclaimed teacher, author, and lecturer
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Here's what people are saying about the Class...
"I took the drama/tefilla class a few years ago, after I had been directing plays for 8 years. It was an eye-opener learning with Sarah Rosenbaum how to let go of my inhibitions so I could learn how to develop myself as an actress. The class also taught me skills to connect to my davening in a deeper way than before. I highly recommend the class."
~Rebbetzin Devorah Green, playwright/director/producer (also wife of Founder/ Senior Rosh Yeshiva, Bircas HaTorah in Jerusalem)
"Sarah's workshop was worth every single penny, and the time invested was time well spent...so inspiring and so meaningful in ways I would never have imagined...It was the perfect balance of fun and inspiration...Sarah, thank you so much for a once in a lifetime experience!"
~Pessy Aronovitch, speech therapist, Brooklyn, NY
"It was such an amazing course! I gained so so so much from it! The ideas are really life changing and practical and it was so much fun... It was beyond words! I came out sooo inspired! Very different approach to what they always teach us and I feel like it's so much more REAL this way. THANK YOU!"
~ MM, seminary student, South Africa
I always felt that having kavana is too hard, I am starting to see that it is doable after all! Thanks!!!"
~Rochel C., student, Brooklyn
"I can't even begin to tell you how amazed I am at how much I'm enjoying it! ...I love how Sarah brings Hashem into every part of our lives and in general her perspective on things."
~Deena Stark, Mom/Tech-savvy Savta, BoroPark/Jerusalem
"Sarah makes Tefilla come alive to you, so you can connect to it in a real way... She makes it exciting, and inspiring, and something so different than you've ever heard before, than the typical things you heard when you were younger...she makes prayer like something you can relate to, on all different levels, with joy and fun...smiling and games and things you would never think about, and I'm so grateful... Thank you so much for such an incredible opportunity to relearn tefillah in such a fun and creative way!!"
~Chaya Sara Rabinowitz, Teacher, Israel
"I really enjoyed taking Sarah Rosenbaum's class. She brought her upbeat, positive personality to the class and it was enjoyable to be coached by her. It is obvious that she is well-educated in the performing arts and knew what she was doing... I highly recommend it."
~Gemma G, wife, mother and patent researcher, Israel
"It's incredible how two unrelated topics can come together so closely to enable us to grow closer to HKBH... I can talk about how my tefillah has changed for days, but it's so hard to define in words!!!!!! Thank you thank you...was a little nervous about this and had no idea what i was in for but was just beyond words...it was so mind blowing... HATZLOCHA IN SPREADING YOUR LIGHT TO THE WORLD"
-- Esti W., seminary student, England
Sarah's class was very inspiring, and not only was fun, but helped me connect on a deeper level to my tefilla!
~C.R., mother, Jerusalem
"I joined not knowing what to expect, and left with incredible gains in my avodas Hashem. I took the class years ago, yet I remember its messages - explicit and implicit - to this day. Completely source-based and constructed with guidance of Daas Torah, this class was a refreshing look at the tools used in drama...and how to integrate those tools in our relationship with G-d....I don't think I would have quite the same scope when praying today if not for this class."
~Sarah Esther Nissan, teacher, NY/Jerusalem